Our mini club esf
You're at least 12 years old and have achieved Flèche d'Argent: you want to continue to push yourself and aspire to compete? Join us and experience something truly unique with other passionate skiers!
The club is a bundle comprising multiple activities centred around competition for young people who want to compete in the Étoile d'Or or Ski d'Or national test matches.
Notably, you will have:
- 4 competition courses during the French school holidays.
- 2 weekends of training.
- Free access to tests organised by our esf (Flèche & Chamois).
- Free access to the stadium.
- In depth training for preparing equipment.
- Weather and conditions permitting, access to other disciplines such as ski jumping.
- Supervision of the Etoile d'Or and Ski d'Or national test matches.
- A club esf jacket.
The sign-up fee is 815€.
Are you up to the challenge? Get signed up!